Well i've just finished up on reading a bunch of blogs of my friends, just catching up on periodicals i guess. But there seems to be a somewhat of a common theme that I contract out of them; that America has problems. That we get so caught up in our culture and take so much for granted that when we actually see everything that we have and that we are all we can still do is complain about it. It honestly bugs me, and for a while i would try and justify it by saying you have to look at the culture. What we have in comparision of our peers and do the same for them. And i still agree with me but thats not the only way to look at it.
I say since life is 3D you have to see it from more than one aspect, essentially put yourself in everyone's shoes and then make your judgement. So when i look at american culture i don't find it discusting that we eat more than we need, and buy more than we want. I find it unnessary but it is our culture. And we make the culture. So in order for you to complain about how excessive american are you have to live at the same level as the poverse. And most are not willing to do that.
But there is a gray area. You see you can't complain but you can help. Donating time, money, etc to differnt causes that you are pulled to does help. And that makes me think of another thing, somewhat about foreign policy. I really don't believe that we can help other people in the world until we've helpeed our own kind. In other words we can't take pitty for the starving african, and not for our local homeless. Honestly, i do my part in helping home and away. I don't complain, though i do remark, and most of all you can't force someone, or compell them to do anything, espically with our rebelous nature. Lead by example.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Small Things
Posted by Tyler Jensen at 7:44 PM