Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Life as of mid 2008

Ya know, i always feel like doing one of these every so often, ya know usually after thinking a lot. My last big one was a year in reflection and it was... good. i was kinda peeved about the digression of our society, and still am.

Just to get it out there and off my chest and out of the way here is my problem with people now. People don't care. It interesting how the minority changes everything, usually for the worse. See here is where i'm getting at. There is a small population that think that, say after someone has saved their life, they have the right to sue. For example, i see it quite often; a man chokes on, let say a piece of steak. Well someone performs the Heimlich on him and now he is alive. but the catch is he has three broken ribs, as it is almost necessary for the maneuver to be preformed properly. Well the guys sues, and lets say in this case he wins.

Well this means a couple of things. One now that he one people think they can win and will sue cause of greed. Two, this small amount of people that sue influence us. Us the people, the witnesses, the helpers. You see now we are not instinctive to save someones life because we think about the consequences, and sad that there are some. What goes through your mind is first do i save the guy, Second if i save him what are the consequences,if he sues me i'm now inconvenienced with court, and if he wins I'm screwed. Third, if you deny someone aid you can be fined or charged by the government. This is why people don't care. This is also the case for people that don't stick around in car accidents and other such ocurances.

Its truly a sad day when we have to think about helping people, and not because it could inconvenience us in time. That is shallow, but when we have to think, "If i save this person's life it could ruin mine. If he sues me and wins i won't be able to support my family. i'll lose my job, etc." Their horrible thoughts but so true.

This is the great America. I truly wonder why we stick our nose in other people's business (policing the world) when we have more than enough problems of our own. Some may say its selfless. Well lets analyze that. If its selfless then as a whole we must think the same. Well thats not true so there is only one other reason. To get the spotlight off our home, our country. You see we think its so bad here were embarrassed so we try and make up for it with charity. i think we need to work on our home life. See there is a quote that comes to mind, that fits. People who do not love themselves can adore others, because adoration is making someone else big and ourselves small. They can desire others, because desire comes out of a sense of inner incompleteness, which demands to be filled. But they can not love others, because love is an affirmation of the living growing being in all of us. If you don't have it, you can't give it.-Andrew Matthews

I think this applies to us as a country. If we have to think about saving someone then we do not love them, but its all fine to go help the Africans. There in a worse situation. And thats another thing that bugs me, we think cause we have more money or stuff that were better off. Thats not true! People concentrate on the details of the problem and not the big picture. For example, to bring up the Africans again. We need to help all the people that are dieing from the wars, and the children that have been orphaned. Here is the thing we need to help them, but we can't help them until we have helped ourselves. This falls back onto a country standpoint. There are plenty of orphans here that are just as poor and hungry that often go to 18 with out proper parents. And the people dieing in the wars, what about the people here that are getting killed in gang violence. Is that not a war in and of it's self?

This country is growing into a state of rand acts of violence. No cares who you are, or where your from anymore. Just that your in there way and they will do anything to get you to move. Here's the thing our kids arn't being taught. Live is unfair and its though. It'll kick you in the nuts many times but thats no reason to give up. We baby our kids too much to the point that they can't handle the real world. They break down and die inside. Parents need to learn tough love, and it was often a thing my generations parents got. A belt never killed anyone, nor a couple of lashes.

I don't know i feel like I'm speaking to a computer, a wall if you will. I feel like you think I'm just a kid, i can't know anything about life. How hard it is and can be. And your probably right, i haven't been down that road personally. But i sure have talked to a lot of people, been frustrated with a lot of situations, and seen it like a move. It honestly makes me mad. Just everything, everything i see how we have digressed into a bunch of apes. Where did honor go, giving your word. Did it just get lost in time. or did a select few show us a world without it, cause folks here it is.

God Bless America. What an interesting saying. I have to chuckle to myself every time i hear it. You know why? cause you have it all wrong. Sure he gave us this place, and he F'ed it up, royally. I want a bumper sticker that says God save America, Please. cause that is what we need to pray. But in all this madness i find light.

This is what i truly want to talk about; now that thats off my chest. Love. What a curious thing it is. It causes us so much pain and so much happiness. This is one thing i do know. Call me crazy, cause your probably right but i love Kd. I truly do, its not an infatuation but an honest to God love. Most think i have no idea the weird pain i feel when she is out of town. The pain of worry. Its the though that you have no control, no way to protect her or do anything. It horrible and i feel it. I also know the joy of having here with me, and i know she is safe.

I'm honestly scared crap less. Why? cause the divorce rate in America is like some 70 of percent. What the heck it that. Every friends i have, every person i personally know has/had been divorced or had a direct blood connection to divorce. This is crap, and an issue for another time.

I just wanna finish off with I'm not naive, heck I'll go as far to make the cocky statement of I'm smarter, when i comes to life, than many adults. I'll be the first to tell you i sure as heck don't have everything figured out but i sure do know a lot for my age. I know love, hate, confidence, fear, strength, weakness, near and far. I wanna finish of with, i love you. I may not show it well cause most of the time, I'll be honest, I'm a jerk. But its true.

I love Kd. This Is my future. I trust her in everything, but most of all i love her. I don't know what i would do if she were to ever go away, and she is defiantly the one/the most important person in my life.

And that all i have to say about that, for now at least. :)